Welcome to Cardstack—the collaborative OS for Web3!

Cardstack opens the doors to Web3 for everyday people. Building software is no longer reserved for experienced developers. NFTs, DeFi and blockchain are no longer reserved for the crypto-savvy. Instead, anyone will finally be able to build apps, create content and get paid in decentralized ways—no coding or crypto experience required.

Weekly progress updates

<aside> 💡 **This week's update - June 3, 2022**


Useful links

Website: https://cardstack.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/cardstack GitHub: https://github.com/cardstack/cardstack Medium blog: https://medium.com/cardstack YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/cardstackproject White paper: https://resources.cardstack.com/whitepaper/overview/executive-summary Vision paper: https://resources.cardstack.com/vision/chapter-1 Reward model: https://resources.cardstack.com/assets/media/cardstack-reward-model-v1.0.pdf Token mechanism: https://resources.cardstack.com/assets/media/cardstack-token-mechanism-v1.0.pdf Developer documentation: https://docs.cardstack.com/release/

Token details

Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/address/cardstack.eth Decimals: 18 Ticker: CARD

May 21, 2020

Cardstack is a full-stack technology, where all layers of the stack need to be developed—sometimes in sequence, before we can get the framework fully functioning to the degree that we can create a composable software ecosystem. On the other hand, we also have to make sure that what we are assembling is useful to the market. We hope that it can lead people to create applications that are user-friendly, that can solve business problems, and that connect to the right data systems, whether they are blockchain or enterprise backends.

We have to continually validate the technology solution, e.g. by building our own open-source apps like Card Board, Card Folio, ****and Tally. Another way is to work with partners in vertical industries, who have real business problems, and attempt to apply our technology to their use cases.

We have worked on a few vertical solutions. The music project involves seven to eight companies building a collaborative registry. The prepaid payments and mileage programs of airlines validate that the Cardstack ****technology can generate applications that are indistinguishable from normal SaaS software, underpinned by a much more decentralized set of protocols. We have a string of success building proof-of-concepts and small test applications using a B2B context on that front.

From the learnings of these vertical market processes, we extract critical improvements to the framework and the protocol, to make sure Cardstack ****as a platform can be cheaper to build on top of and more powerful once you have assembled the pieces. At this stage of the project, we feel confident that we have a general-purpose platform that developers and power users can use to make some of the same apps and use cases we have been custom-building with our vertical-industry partners.

We are currently working on a few critical pieces of technology, which are:

These two things, combined with the Card Space hosting service, which has been in testing since earlier this year, would allow us to launch a developer-oriented ****card hosting service to start, and the power user-enabled Cardstack Builder service to follow.

The technical risks that we are working on right now are largely about allowing cards to use the full range of JavaScript modules and libraries in the ecosystem. Cards built to run on Cardstack can take advantage of any functionality or capability that is already in existence in the JS/Node.js/npm ecosystem. This process is the most intense part of our R&D right now, but we are making good progress on CatalogJS.